Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Internet Finally Arrived

So it took freakin forever but I finally have internet in Japan. I'm kind of weirded out that I didn't do a pre-departure blog because it seems like no matter how much I forget to blog, thats one I always hit. But this JET thing just really had me too busy down to the last second. It was bittersweet as I kinda thought, but I was honestly really too busy most of the time leading up to get too sad. Although no matter if I'm flying to or from Japan it seems like I cry.

So anyway I sat next to Lexi on the plane and we arrived in Tokyo, a little worse for the wear but excited. Tokyo orientation just took it out of me though. I've never noticed being as jetlagged before because activity keeps me focused, but sitting in seminars all day....man. The worst was after lunch when I was so full, and the rooms where so nice and cool. But we had pretty good fun.

Then it was down to my prefecture, Shimane. I gotta say when the clouds parted and we were flying over the prefecture I was thinking 'oh god what have I gotten myself into.' But I got here and we were swarmed by people and taken to lunch, where I discovered that a lot of them spoke pretty good english. And honestly after that I was kept too busy for a long time to think too much on that initial feeling of misgiving. And now that I've seen what REALLY rural looks like, before that too but anyway, I've actually been content so far. I mean the little things that bug me about it location wise are really true and they aren't going to go away, it is difficult to get other places where things I am interested in are happening. But Izumo is a decent place, and its positively hopping in Shimane terms. YouMe Town is actually a pretty badass mall and cinema, and its got most of the usual things and Lawsons coming out of every orifice (I'm not kidding I've never seen so many Lawsons in one place before). And everyone here is SO nice. So I think the more I'm settled the more I'll be happy with this placement.

In the first week we were busy with things like getting gaijin cards, getting phones, looking at cars, setting up bank accounts and it was all over pretty crazy. But when it wasn't crazy we got to sit in the BOE and chill. And it is brand spanking new, and the air conditioning is quite good. After that the final member of our merry little JHS JET group joined us and we did all those things again with him. A little beach going here, a large chunk of cash vanishing without a trace there, before I knew it it was time for the week long language course I'd signed up for. I got there, and after a little trouble with our board, I quickly discovered the course was in all reality too easy for me. But the week was still worth it with lots of hanging out with the other new JETs and adventures in Matsue to have. I got to go see the castle, and ride the river boat, and see the glorious sunset over lake Shinji among other things. But during this time I did get paid for the first time and THAT was exciting.

Then we came back and just as promptly went back again for Shimane orientation. Which was hit and miss useful. We came back and I got my car and joined the JE fanclub at long last. Freedom from the train schedule is beautiful! And after a few more days at the BOE I'm finally at my schools. I taught a class for the first time today. And it was a little awkward, they were first years and while completely adorable they can hardly speak any english, but I think with repetition I'll be less nervous and it'll go better.

Have I mentioned my supervisor at the BOE is freakin amazing. K-san is the BEST. She seems like she genuinely enjoys being with us, her english is superb, and she likes Arashi so much she wants to go to a concert with me and Kim (who is a big fan, and I'll be tagging along for the ride). We've been drinking and karaoke with her a few times, and shes really helpful and is willing to take a look at whatever we need explained legit work related concern or frivolous concern. She is very much the bomb.

My Japanese is even improving a but I think. I seem to notice myself using complete sentences a little more often and I'm coming up with the more advanced grammer on my own in conversation a bit more. Its still very hit or miss, but everyone at my main school is very impressed (probably because my predessecor had next to no ability) and I'm actually the one looked too for help from some of my compatriots. Its a bit surreal.

I'm getting more comfortable with my surroundings and my next project is buying a sofa. Also my plot to move into the larger unit next to me in my building will proceed as soon as I can get ahold of my landlord for more than five minutes. Thats all for now.