Saturday, October 23, 2010

Let Me Go Back in There and Face the Peril! No its too Perilous!

The date on the last post is so not right! Cause it was totally the next day that I found the couch that I was looking for, and now its being delivered tomorrow. I'm very excited, and hopefully one of the guys will come over and help me move my dresser. And that was Monday.

So now my kids mid-terms are over with, and next week is time for my big Halloween lesson. I had fun times with elementary school kids again on Wednesday, and let me say that they are the cure for all the ails you. I also finally went to Tuesday night diner this week after several weeks of being absent, and it was quite fun. And of course curry is always welcome. I think I'm going to start getting freebies there soon, I'm there often enough.

I biked around today, looking for new bags for my vacuum cleaner, the other which was sacrificed to riding myself of a cockroach. I found some, and it was like 300yen for like 10 of them so its a good deal I think. I got some more leggings for approaching winter too, and the big difference between the M-L size ones and L-LL size is that these are actually long enough! Little things but they make me quite happy.

My next project is to start searching in earnest for a kotatsu (heated table so nice) futon and a double size futon for my bed, because its starting to get a bit cold with just the two blankets I've got. But I'm trying to find a nice one.

I'm watching Monty Python as I eat dinner, as may be evidenced by the title of this post. I needed something English on the tv tonight, felt like hearing my own language for once.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Blogging and Working Battle continues

Ok so I probably really can't do the updating once a week thing. But I'm really trying to do this regularly. Unfortunately its not like my other journal which I write random stuff in and is mostly made of witty one-liners between me and Corey from college. So its not really the same trying to write about my life, for people to read about. I like to do it, I just am tired to distracted or just plain forget.

So what I'm going to try and do is make this a little more anecdotal. That way its easier to write and hopefully once I start doing that, which would be more frequently, and that way its easier for me to remember. Hopefully.

So for about a month now I've been looking for a couch for my apartment, because I need another place to sit like woah. What I really want is one of these Japanese sofa beds which slide forward and recline so guests can sleep on them. Thats because if I have the couch there is probably no longer enough space for an air mattress or something. And I have about 200cm for one, and I was thinking that I really wanted a leather one instead of cloth. So I've been looking in all the recycle shops, but hadn't had much success at finding one I liked. Cause lets face it if I'm going to spend nearly $200 on this freakin thing I wanna like it. I think I finally found on, its kinda plain but its plain white leather so I think thats a nice and clean look for my room. If all goes well I could have it delivered by this weekend.

In other news apparently it was worth mentioning that I've been almost late a couple times in the past month to OMGItsHuge中. Never mind that "almost late" is like 20 minutes earlier than my contract says I have to be somewhere, but I go that early anyway cause they've asked me to be there for the teachers meeting (which I never take part of and can only sometimes follow).

No the reason for this is quite simple, the meeting is supposed to be at 8:10, so I try to arrive 3 or so minutes early so I can put my stuff down, grab a glass of water and then stand in my place for the start of the meeting. Lately the meeting has been fluctuating between being 3 or so minutes early or 3 or so minutes late. Mostly early. So what happens is I walk in right as its starting, but because the Vice-Principal is already starting to speak I do not want to cut through the room and disrupt it so I stand by the door. I am still there for the whole meeting, give or take a sentence or two. If I could predict when this would happen I could plan accordingly, Its only been in the last three or four weeks, and with all the strange schedule's I've had lately its only been this week that I decided, ok they wanna play that game then I'll set my alarm clock back ten minutes so its easier for me to be there a little earlier even. But I was apparently too slow on the draw and now its been mentioned....*sigh* I'm really kinda irritated about this. Its not like I'm being actually late, I'm just being.....precisely on time instead of being there a few minutes early.

I wonder if they realize that asking me to be there half an hour early would technically entitle me to leave that much earlier in the afternoon. Good thing for them I've got more standards than that.

But this weekend I watched Japanese Girl Scouts making a 25m long sushi roll, and that was pretty darn cool.