Monday, January 24, 2011

I have a Youtube Video!!

So here is something I'm gonna try to do to supplement my normal blogs, and maybe it will work better :) Enjoy my first ever Youtube Video

Monday, January 10, 2011

I didn't post in December. It was a busy month and I've got some videos of moms visit. I'll try and post them up. The kids were especially busy, having tests extra. But I tried very hard to stay busy while they were testing. And of course there were also the year end drinking parties. But not too many in my case. And then mom came and we did lots of fun things. It was a good visit, and I guess its made me appreciate some things about living on my own, but also the house seem a bit more lonely for a little while. Its nice though to have some more organization going on here, so thanks mom for that! So the holidays and the New Year have come and gone.

This year I'm going to be trying something I read about online, taking one picture for every day of the year. I'll be starting a little late, but I thought it be an interesting way of documenting my life here. Maybe I'll throw them up here in batches from time to time. Tomorrow I go back to work after my long vacation. Oh its hard to think about. Times like these are when I think I miss being a student the most. Its hard to go back to the daily grind after break, and its a lot longer between breaks unless I take them myself. Urgh working is hard!